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How MVP Can Help Your Business

January 25, 2023

Whether you’re a small business, mid-size organization, Fortune 500 company, government sector or beyond, Military Veteran Pipeline is the platform for you. If you’ve already subscribed to MVP or are just considering it, it’s important to understand exactly how our technology can benefit your business. Here are five positive outcomes and experiences your team can expect with an MVP subscription. 


1. Large Network 

Finding the right talent to fit into the right job is one of the most important parts of doing business. With MVP, your team can search through a wide network of qualified Veterans and Reservists with a variety of skills and qualifications who are actively seeking work. No more posting and hoping the right person applies! You’ll find exactly who you need for the job using MVP’s search technology. 


2. Accessible Website Interface

From creating an account to searching for resumes, the MVP website is easy for your whole team to use. In three simple steps your recruiters can find the perfect Veteran or Reservist to fill a job opening. Simply create a profile, search for resumes by skill, qualification or clearance and download the resume. With multiple resumes in hand, your team can easily interview for and fill the position. 


3. Competitive Pricing 

MVP allows recruiters to hone in on specifics such as branch of service, enlisted or officer status, post military experience, security clearances and so much more in order for your business to only purchase resumes that apply directly to the position that must be filled. Designed to save your business time and money, MVP’s three competitive pricing structures ensure you maximize time and financial efforts to meet deadlines for RFP’s and fulfill your staffing needs. Visit our pricing page for more information. 


4. Save Time 

One of the biggest benefits MVP can offer your business is time. Weeding through candidates, perusing resumes and interviewing unqualified candidates can be a costly and hefty task. MVP’s search technology eliminates the need for deep digging. Simply type in the qualifications or skills you’re looking for and instantly gain access to capable candidates. With MVP, your team can be proactive in finding candidates instead of reactive when a job must be filled. 


5. Versatility 

No matter the size of your business, sector of work or job needs, MVP can help you find the right candidate for the position. From civilian roles to high security government positions, the Veterans and Reservists on MVP are ready and eager to work. For more information on the benefits of hiring Veterans and Reservists, please see our article, 5 Benefits of Hiring Military Veterans, here


We hope these points have illuminated the valuable ways MVP can help your business. Click here to set up an account today!